Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Touch Wood!!!!

Hai... really my big fat mouth... On last Friday just posted that I hope I can spend the weekend playing my RE4 without any migraine.... Just after I posted that out... I had another migraine attack... $&*Y$)U@_#*_*$_*U$
It started to get really bad just after I'm finished my work and going off(there goes my Friday dinner..Hai...) . I actually knocked out in the office for 2 hours and only managed to get out of office around 8 plus... Hai...

I'm sad that I couldn't go out for a nice dinner especially on Friday night. Worse is that I was in bed for the rest of the weekend... this is really no good... Somehow this incident have made me decide on something :P Shsss... Will tell you guys when its the right time :P

Oh yar, got CS's wedding photo, but been either too busy or sick to do an article on their wedding :P hehe will try it ASAP :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor jeanie, you have to have more more rest... Btw have a check on your eye also whether your degree has increased... my office programmer has such bad headache before and it is related to his eye. From a no need to wear glasses person, he has to wear so uncle glasses..

I like this week, work only 2 days. hee hee.. Wed on course, thur go fort canning. Fri claim my off, avoid work.. I like this week... next week start very veri busy.

From V gal...

12:01 AM  
Blogger cakie said...

Thanks for your advice dear :) Hehe I have regular eye degree checkup due to the condition of my eyes :) For my case, its more of tension migraine.

Wah, sound so nice!! Hehe great that you have such a nice week. You should take this week to really rest and relax to prepare for next week's work :P

2:58 PM  

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